How To Increase Text Size on Mac

Chris Campbell19 Mar 2022

If the text on a webpage is too small to read or your Mac's default settings make it extremely difficult to read, you'll want to know how to increase the size of the text in macOS. Lowering your Mac's resolution, changing the desktop icon font size, and increasing the size of the sidebars or the scale at which web pages are rendered will help you get the text to fit your eyes comfortably.

How To Change Text Size on Mac

For all onscreen text and user interface aspects, Mac OS X defaults to a preset system font size, and while many find the default text size adequate, others may prefer the system font size bigger. It turns out that while Mac does not explicitly allow users to change all system fonts, they can modify their screen to change the size of the system font, onscreen text, and anything else displayed on the screen.

You have a variety of choices to help you see things more clearly, ranging from adjusting the text size of an app to adjusting your entire display resolution.

Using a Keyboard Shortcut to Increase Text Size

The zoom keyboard shortcut: Cmd + Plus (+) is one of the simplest ways to modify text size in many programs. The key combination works with most common programs, and you can undo any modifications by hitting Cmd + Minus (—) to zoom out.

Changing the Text Size in Common Web Browsers

The majority of modern browsers enable you to change the default font properties, which is useful if you want to maintain other on-screen components at a suitable size. However, the procedure is a little more difficult than simply pressing a few key combinations.

Changing the Text Size in Finder

Is the font on Finder too small for you? If this is the case, you may use a simple option to change the wording for only that program. Here's how to adjust the Finder's default font size:

  • Navigate to View > Show View Options in Finder.
  • Choose the desired Text size.
  • To apply modifications to all folders, tap Use as Defaults.
  • You may also change the size of your icons from here, using Cmd + Plus (+) and Cmd + Minus (-).

Adjusting the Screen Resolution

You could change your screen resolution if you want to take a less focused route and make things bigger. A higher resolution results in sharper visuals but smaller on-screen elements. However, you could frequently independently increase everything that appears to be too small.

To adjust your Mac display:

  • Go to System Preferences > Displays.
  • In the Resolution section, choose Scaled.
  • Select your preferred resolution.

How To Change Text Size on Mac Safari

You can easily increase the font size of text shown on web pages within Safari by using the Command and + keys together:

  • Go to a web page in your Mac's Safari browser.
  • Increase the font size by theOption+Command++ to increase the font size (the plus sign).
  • Alternatively, navigate to View and click Make Text Bigger to boost the font size.

Altering the zoom level on a web page differs from changing the text size since the tool alters the size of both text and pictures :

  • Go to a web page in your Mac's Safari browser.
  • To make all material on the current web page look larger, navigate to the View menu at the top of the screen and pick Zoom In. Repeat to increase the size of the content.

How To Make Text Size Bigger on Mac

Laptops are excellent until you find that using them all day is affecting your vision or you're finding it difficult to see or read your screen. If this is the case, you may have considered increasing the default font size on your Mac. Unfortunately, you can't just push a button and get things done. However, some workarounds will achieve the same outcome.

Scaling Your Display

When navigating your Mac laptop, the text and screen content may be too small to see properly, especially if you're using a small-screen laptop. Scaling your display is one approach to increase text size:

  • Pick "System Preferences" from the menu that appears when you click the Apple symbol in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  • Select "Displays."
  • Change the "Default for display" setting under the main "Display," tap to "Scaled."
  • Choose a lower resolution from the box beneath "Scaled" - the lower you go on the list of acceptable resolutions, the larger everything on your screen will seem. You may be prompted to confirm your choice in a pop-up window.

Zooming in on Your Display

If you don't like how scaling affects your Mac's display, you might want to try another one for browsing web browsers and some apps.  Simply hold down the "Command" and "+" keys at the same time to enlarge everything 10% at a time. After you're done, you may reverse this zoom function by hitting "Command" and "-" simultaneously until the zoom pop-up says "100%."

Changing the Size of Console Log Text Mac Terminal

If you're using a high-resolution screen, the Terminal app's default font size might be fairly small. While you may modify the font to fit your preferences, and raising line spacing also improves reading, another easy method to improve readability is to simply raise the text size displayed on-screen while accessing the command line.

Combining keystrokes with the Command and Plus or Minus keys is the fastest and easiest approach to adjust the text size displayed for the Terminal application. This changes the display font size for the active terminal session but doesn't know how to change the default font size for new terminal windows or sessions, making it more of a fast fix for when you need to boost readability.

Simply press Command and the Plus (+) key to increase the text size shown by one size. Press the keystroke a few times to significantly increase the font size.

If the text just seems too small for you, it's time to stop squinting. There's no reason for you to tolerate the smaller font and every reason for you to make the text bigger. These tips will guide you on how you can make text bigger so the next time you're about to do a lot of reading and typing on your Mac, you’ll do so without straining your eyes.

Chris Campbell

Chris Campbell

Thanks for reading! I'm Chris, an avid tech fanatic that enjoys keeping up with the latest laptop models. Hopefully my tips & tricks can help you out!

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